My Story
I received my 1st Scentsy warmer and three bars for a Christmas present in 2007. I Initially I thought I would melt the wax and then throw the whole thing away (after all that's what you do with wax candles, right?). I remember reading on the box and realized that I was going to get to keep the pretty Lighthouse Warmer after the wax was gone! I put the first cube in and wasn't a fan of the scent. To this day, I still don't like the scent I first tried. I thought I would warm it quick so I could move on to the other better smelling ones. I put one cube in and the scent did not go away for 3 days! I quickly realized this was going to take a long time to use up the bar I didn't like. That night I got to thinking, if the wax I didn't like lasted that long, how long would the ones I did like last? I was hooked!
I had never considered joining any direct sale company, but for some reason, this just felt right. I found a local consultant and signed up the next day! I remember getting my starter kit and being so excited with all the other products that Scentsy offered! I was fortunate enough to have my first Scentsy Convention only weeks from my join date, so I went to Boise by myself for a few days and met the rest of the Scentsy world. It was magical!! I initially thought I would just share Scentsy with my family and friends. Little did I know that my life was about to change! I began to rapidly grow a team from the United States and Canada that shared the same passion as I did.
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Family and Human Development and was working full time as a Director at a children's disability agency. I would deliver Scentsy, work my full- time job and then deliver Scentsy after. I was exhausted and would constantly have dreams of selling Scentsy full time and being able to see my family more. In 2014, I decide to take the leap and quit my job! It was a scary decision, but like joining Scentsy, it just felt right.
I have never looked back! I love to do vendor events and share Scentsy with whoever will listen! I love the freedom to run my business how I want, when I want and have made countless friends along the way. My children and grandchildren enjoy the time I get to spend with them and that I can be flexible for them. I have been told by many that there is no money to be made in direct sales, but I am living proof that is not true. If you have a passion for something, work hard to understand the industry and have the courage to put yourself out there, good things can happen. I am very proud that my Scentsy paychecks fund my retirement accounts, pays for college housing and food for my kids, pay the extra bills, helps with vacations and anything extra my family needs. Don't ever let anyone tell you that your dreams are not possible. If you would like to learn more about Scentsy, please contact me at